Protelase: Toxic protein detox (liposomal)


Support the body in detoxifying microclots, toxic proteins and foreign genetic material.

442 in stock (can be backordered)

Support the body in detoxifying toxic proteins and foreign genetic material.

Toxic proteins can trigger IGG4 diseases, blood clots, auto immune issues and more.  Proteolytic enzymes such as nattokinase, serrapeptase, nattokinase and pancreatin may support the dealing with toxic proteins.

Toxic proteins can break down into 7 misfolded proteins (prion like fragments) that when released may promote amyloid plaque in the brain.  If you are doing a toxic protein detox, consider our Albedextrin product to support the body in dealing with misfolded proteins.

Foreign genetic material is also composed of protein.   Proteolytic agents may support the body in dealing with foreign genetic material.

Toxic proteins can trigger fibrin (the netting that makes blood clots) and NETs (neutrophil extracellular traps made of DNA) which may cause giant blood clots.  Fibrin and NETs are both proteins.  Proteolytic agents may support the body in detoxifying tibrin and NETs.

Many people have some degree of leaky gut (and therefore leaky brain as well) from gluten consumption (wheat, barley and rye), and  subclinical E. Coli infections (E. Coli is endogenous to the gut).  This allows undigested proteins into the bloodstream which can lead to allergies, mast cell activation, blood clotting and fatigue.  Consider proteolytic enzymes in a liposomal form.

Protocol: Take one one an empty stomach.  If well tolerated, take two the following day.  If well tolerated, take three the following day.  Take no more than four per day.

Ingredients:  Nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, pancreatin in a liposomal base (sunflower lecithin, MCT, Phoscal, ethanol, vegetable glycerine, candillia wax, water and hypromellose.


You may wish to consider these as well


Toxic protein degrades P53,  a key cancer preventing gene.  Consider using ellagic acid as a P53 analog.

When toxic proteins break down, 7 misfolded protein fragments may be released that may promote amyloid plaque in the brain.  Cyclodextrins may support the body in detoxifying misfolded proteins as well as  amyloid plaque.