Portable Grounding Device


Portable grounding device.

Available on backorder

We are designed to be in constant contact with the earth, continuously receiving electrons from it.  Depending on your location, the field on the planet is  100-150 volts per meter.  That means that if you six feet tall, there is a 200-300 volt differential between your feet and your head.  This creates a continuous flow of electrons from the earth up through your body.   Since It’s not realistic to be barefoot on the earth for most of our day, we offer our portable electron charger.  It delivers up to 300 volts (very low amperage so it’s safe) from a 9v battery so you can wear it on your body against your skin whenever you like.

If you take a 5g sensitive EMF meter out on a walk or drive, you will see that we are continually bombarded with very high levels of microwave radiation.  There is a principle in physics called Compton scattering.  It states that free electrons can deflect radiation. Can electrons protect us from 5G?  This is unknown, but if you are concerned about this aspect of the modern world, our portable electron charger may be useful.
Our standard plug-in  Electron Charger is too strong even on its lowest setting to be used while sleeping, but our portable charger can be used while you sleep if you like.

Charge up your portable battery (not included), then attach the battery and watch to the main unit.  You can wear it as long as you like.

In Chinese Medicine, there is an energy field around the body called Wei Chi.  It is the first line of defense we have against bad external influences.  You can see it in Kirilian Photographs.  Wei Chi is connected to the static electric (electron) field around the body.  Our portable charger may help boost your Wei Chi.

The unit comes with the grounding watch, all necessary cables and the charger itself. You will need to purchase the GoalZero Venture 35 portable USB battery pack or something similar to power this device.  To use, connect the charger to a power supply, then connect the watch to the charger with the supplied cable and wear the watch with the metal face against your skin.

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