Autonomis: Cortisol Detox
Support lower cortisol levels
973 in stock (can be backordered)
Short term stress activates the fight, flight and freeze systems of the body and suppresses the rest, repair and digest functions. If stress becomes chronic, the body shifts from cortisol to prolactin which is the neurochemistry of learned helplessness and despair. This affects our ability to sleep, heal, digest and mood. A measured reaction to challenges creates better health.
Every night we build the neurochemical resistance we need for the stresses of following day. If we are overly stressed, this hyperactives our sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight/freeze). Then when we go to sleep that night, there may not be enough sympathetic tone to keep the airway open and we can get sleep apnea. Sleep apnea ruins sleep and as a result, we may not build enough neurochemical resistance for the following day. This can lead to a vicious cycle. Stress, bad sleep, worse stress, worse sleep…
Certain adaptogens can help us have a more relaxed response to stress breaking the vicious cycle. Not all adaptogens are useful in this way. Some are stimulants (like ginseng). Autonomis may support the body in breaking out of the stress cycle.
You may wish to consider these as well…
A healthy microbiome makes the short chain fatty acids lactate, acetate, butyrate and propionate which have powerful effects on our mood. If you’re microbiome is imbalanced, consider our microbiome protocols, especially Phylamet, which contains all 4 key short chain fatty acids..
Stress can damage the nerves but damaged nerves can also cause stress. If you think you may have nerve myelination issues, consider our Nervidyne product.