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Correction: Dotamet is now Vellumet.

Chelation Reference Materials

Medicardium: Suppository EDTA Chelation


Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA suppositories.

332 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: Medicardium (suppository) Category:

You may wish to consider these as well…

Suppository EDTA is only to be considered to support the prostate and kidneys.  For other applications where EDTA is appropriate,consider our oral liposomal Medicardium V2O.


Consider Captimet to support the body in dealing with the toxic metals aluminum, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, Gadoliium, Fe3+ and Titanium in the water compartments of the body (blood, lymph and connective tissue).

Consider our amphipathic chelator Dasimet to support the body in dealing with lead, mercury and silver toxicity.

It is important to raise urine pH to 7.5 when chelating.  This improves the chelator strength and decreases the potential for redistribution.  Consider our Bicarbament product.

To support intercellular and brain metal detox, consider Vellumet.

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