
Microbiome detox

Step 1: Begin Sachromyces Boulardii ferment*, Bicarbamet, Glytamins, Phylamet, Zoiben, Ellagica, Pokegeshi and Acidulem for 10 days.

*Mix 2 Sachromyces Boulardii capsules in one liter of organic fruit juice.   Let sit someplace warm for 24 hours. Make sure you don’t seal the juice bottle too tightly as CO2 will form and it can explode when you open it.  Once it’s ready, it will be less sweet, a little fizzy and sour. .  Once the ferment is fizzy, put it in the fridge.   It can last about a day.  If it smells bad, discard.  Mix one cup with 1 heaping tablespoon of Yerba Prima organic psyllium and drink 30 minutes after Bicarbament and before breakfast. 

Step 2: Discontinue Zoiben, Pokegeshi and Glytamins.  Add in Panaceum and ‘Foods for Gut’ D lactate free histamine reducing bacteria for 10 days.  Once stool pH is 6.5 or lower, you can discontinue Acidulem.

Long term:  Take panaceum, phylamet and bicarbamet. Consider taking the Sachromycees ‘wine’ long term as well. 

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy Metal Protocol

Phase 1- Blood, lymph and connective tissue metal detox:

Step 1-  Take 1/2 of one Captimet capsule in the morning on an empty stomach.  12 hours later, a multi-mineral.  Once you can take a 1/2 of one Captimet capsule without reaction move to step 2.

Step 2-  Take one Captimet capsule in the morning on an empty stomach.  12 hours later, a multi-mineral.  Once you can take one Captimet capsule without reaction move to step 3.

Step 3-  Take two Captimet capsules in the morning on an empty stomach.  12 hours later, a multi-mineral.  Once you can take two Captimet capsules without reaction move to step 4.

Step 4- Take three Captimet capsules in the morning on an empty stomach.  12 hours later, a multi-minieral.  Once you can take three Captimet capsules without reaction, stay at this dosage for one additional month, then move to Phase 2.

Phase 2- Brain and intercellular tissue detox:

Step 5- Repeat Steps 1-4 but this time with 1/2 to 3 Vellumet capsules.  Once you can feel that you are no longer making gains, take for one additional month then move to Step 6.

Phase 3- Brain and intercellular tissue detox (2nd pass):

Step 6- Take one Captimet capsule in the morning on an empty stomach, 20 minutes later, take one Dasimet capsule.  12 hours later, a multi-mineral.   If this causes symptoms, then instead take one Captimet, 20 minutes later one Dasimet and an additional Captimet.  Continue this until no further reaction then one more month.

Step 7. Take two Dasimet and two Captimet capsules in the morning on an empty stomach.  12 hours later, a multi-mineral.  Once you can take a two Captimet and two Dasimet capsules without reaction move to step 8.

Step 8. Take three Dasimet and three Captimet capsules in the morning on an empty stomach.  12 hours later, a multi-mineral.  Once you can take a three Captimet and three Dasimet capsules without reaction, stay at this dosage for one additional month.

Step 9. Do a urine or blood chelation challenge test.  If you are metal free, you are done for now.   If symptoms that disappeared during chelation return, go back to step 1.  

Note 1: If you have Mercury, consider Nervidyne to support repair of Mercury damaged myelin sheaths on the nerves.

Note 2:  This protocol is based on a 150 lb person.  If you weigh less, decrease the dosage accordingly, but if you weigh more, do not increase.

Note 3: Muscle cramps are a sign of low magnesium and calcium and indicate supplementation may be required.  Fatigue is a sign you may need more minerals in general, or may need to slow down the process (every other or third day).

Note 4:  Urine pH should be kept at 7.5 to 8.0 during chelation.  For more information on why, watch the Deep Dive chelation video.

Note 5: If you get kidney/low back pain, you’re going too fast.  Go every other or every 3rd day and drink more water.

Explanation: Vellumet has a molecular weight of 460.  A molecule with this weight will pass a blood brain barrier inflamed with metals.  As the blood brain barrier becomes less inflamed, we may need to shift to a smaller molecule, like Dasimet with a molecular weight of 252.  Since Dasimet is more prone to redistribution events, we do Vellumet first.

Histamine detox

To detoxify histamine consider 1 Tessamet every 12 to 24 hours and avoiding all histamine and histamine releasing foods (see our Tessamet video).  Also, consider our Microbiome protocol.  A gut full of toxic bacteria will create both toxic amines (histamine analongs) as well as trigger histamine release in the body.  Once your microbiome is repaired, you may find you no longer have a histamine problem.

Basic Detoxification

Our basic one month detoxification protocol is Medicardium, Xeneplex, Glytamins.  This may support metal and chemical detox as well as support proper drainage of mobilized toxins.  Do not use Medicardium if you have Mercury or Gadolinium toxicity.  See our Heavy Metal Detox protocol instead.

Sleep apnea

First, determine if the apnea is caused by inflammation of the soft palate, sinuses and or epiglottis.  Then determine from your dreams (frustration is hypopnea, violence is apnea) the type you have.  Then we can work out a protocol for you.  For more information, watch our sleep apnea video.

Liver detox

For intracellular liver toxins, consider Xeneplex.  For extracellular liver toxins, consider Glytamins.  For toxin induced fatty liver deposits, consider Albedextrin.  For a complete liver detox, consider all three.

Brain Detox

Consider Nervidyne to support the nerve tissue, Medicardium Oral to support brain circulation and Albedextrin to support the body in dealing with amyloid plaque formation and prions.  Phylamet (our SCFA product) is also important to support proper sealing of the blood brain barrier.

Mold detox

Step 1- Get a mycotoxin urine test to confirm mold issues, or take a 2 week vacation in a desert location.  Step 2-  Support the body in removing aflatoxins with Albedextrin, Alvectin, Xeneplex and glytamins. Step 3- Remediate moldy environment or move.  

Parasite detox

Consider Lactimet and Phylamet, along with 1/4 tsp of Zoiben a day for 5 days.  Also, consider one week of  Notoplex and our Electron charger over the abdomen 30 minutes a day..  Zoiben and Lactimet are for the top down, Notoplex and Phylament are for the bottom up, the electron charger is for the middle.

Cardiovascular/Circulation detox

Consider Medicardium and Protelase on day 1, Cholephage and Albedextrin on day 2 and alternate for at least 1 month.  12 hours after the Medicardium, take a calcium supplement.  I like calcium phosphate or calcium gluconate.  12 hours after Albedextrin, take 1 tsp phosphatidyl choline.  You will also want to check your stool pH.  If it is above 6.5, you may want to consider our microbiom protocol.  Also, take 500mg liposomal vitamin C every waking hour for 1 week.

Biofilms detox.

Biofilms are susceptible to being dissolved with the enzyme serrapeptase and essential oils so you may wish to consider Notoplex and Zoiben. Zoiben also contains bitters which may confuse biofilm quorum sensing (intelligence). Once the biofilm is disrupted, Ellagica may also be of help in supporting the body in dealing with microorganisms.

Anti-aging protocol

In addition to yearly fasting, consider maintenance levels of Medicardium, Albedextrin and Rejuvelon.  Panaceum and Tessamet to support the Microbiome and proper Mast cell function may also be considered.  Our human photosynthesys machine and portable electron charger may also be helpful.

Dental detox

Consider 1/4 tsp Zoiben and 3/4 tsp coconut or sesame seed oil. Swish in mouth (oil pulling) for 15 minutes a day.  Spit out when done.  Also helpful can be opening one capsule of Ellagica and swishing it around your mouth (don’t spit it out) before sleep each night.

Kidney detox

Consider Medicardium and Glytamins to support the kidneys in detoxifying calcifications and extracellular crystalizations.   You may also consider 1 liter distilled water first thing in the morning followed with an infrared heating belt over the kidneys.

Prostate detox

Consider Medicardium, Endosterol, Glytamins and  Ellagica.

Toxic protein and foreign genetic material detox

Consider 1 tsp Albedextrin per day for 30 days.  Additionally, consider 1 capsule Protelase per day increasing by 1 per day to 6 per day for 30 days.  Both are taken on an empty stomach.  Long term Albedextrin must be followed 12 hours after use with 1 tsp phosphatidyl choline.

Lung detox

Alvectin and nebulized glutathione.

Infection support

Alvectin, Ellagica and Lymplex.

Unknown issue(s) causing symptoms

What do you do when you don’t feel well, but your blood tests come back normal, and your doctor says either ‘it’s all in your head’ or ‘we don’t know what’s wrong’.  If you find yourself in this situation, consider 3 possibilities.  1- You may be suffering from an allergic reaction to something you like to eat or is in your environment.  Consider trying our Tessamet for 3 weeks and see if you feel better.  2- You may have metal toxicity.  It might be a common metal like lead or mercury, it might be something more exotic like Gadolinium (from MRI contrast agents), or something in your well water.  Consider trying our  Medicardium (common metals) and Captimet (exotic metals) for a month, see if you feel better.  3-  You may have parasites.  Consider our electron charger over your abdomen 15 minutes a day, Zoiben and Notoplex suppositories.  4- You may have a chronic infection.  Consider Zoiben, Alvectin and Ellagica.

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