- Human Photosynthesis
- Our Three Settings
- Sunrise / Sunset
- Sunshine
- Forest
- A hole in the spectrum
- Chlorophyll
Are we plants? No, but if we define photosynthesis as using light to power the creation of new molecules in our bodies, then yes, we photosynthesize. Most of us spend >90% of our lives indoors. Indoor lighting does not contain the beneficial UV or Far infrared light we evolved to use. Even ‘full spectrum lights’ do not contain these vital wavelengths. The Human Photosynthesis Machine is designed to deliver those missing wavelengths so that we can be indoors in a healthy manner.
The Human Photosynthesis Machine has three settings. Sunrise / Sunset, Forest and Sunshine. Sunrise / Sunset is meant to start and end your day. It uses red and infrared lights. The Forest setting is meant for the majority of your day. It uses green and infrared light. The Sunshine setting is meant for short periods at solar noon (the time of day when the sun is highest in the sky). It contains blue, ultraviolet and infrared light.
In the early morning and late evening, the sun goes through more atmosphere than when it is directly overhead. This filters out the blue and ultraviolet wavelengths but lets the red and infrared pass through. Primitive humans would also get these wavelengths from sitting by wood fires. These wavelengths support the repair of skin from ultraviolet exposure from the previous day. Red light also powers electron transfer in chlorophyll (photosynthesis). What is less known is that if we eat chlorophyll (only from fresh juiced wheatgrass, not bottled supplements), red light can power electron transfer in the chlorophyll in us. If we have chlorophyll in our bodies from our diet, and a source of electrons (grounding or our electron charger) we may be able to recharge CoQ10 and other antioxidants.
We need ultraviolet light in order to convert cholesterol in our skin into Vitamin D. Since most of us spend ~90% of our time indoors, we tend to be Vitamin D deficient. Unfortunately, the same UV-B that makes Vitamin D also causes sunburns. The Sunshine setting uses a specific wavelength of UV-A (which does not cause sunburns) to support Vitamin D production. The Sunshine setting also emits two blue wavelengths of light which may support the conversion of fat soluble toxins (chemicals and bilirubin) into water soluble forms that can be urinated out. The Sunshine setting is meant to be used for 5-30 minutes a solar noon, replicating the light of a sunny spring day. It may also help with resetting circadian rhythm.
During the day, primitive man would spend most of his time under a forest canopy. Sunshine though the leaves would bathe him in green light. Leaves reflect infrared light, so the dappled light from between the leaves would become trapped beneath the canopy reflecting in all directions. The Forest setting uses both green and infrared light to simulate life under the forest canopy. Green light is known for endorphin release which improves mood and helps with pain. Green light is also associated with a dramatic increase in longevity in animals.
There are a few ‘holes’ in the spectrum we receive from the sun in the IR band. One of these ‘missing’ wavelengths is associated with creating EZ / 4th phase water and repairing connective tissue. Our unit puts out this ‘missing’ wavelength in all 3 settings.
Animal studies have shown that ingested chlorophyll can still photosynthesize, even inside the body. Store bought chlorophyll will not work. Chlorophyll is very fragile, so it is denatured to make it shelf stable, but, if you drink FRESH wheatgrass juice, wait 30 minutes, then turn our system onto the Sunrise/Sunset setting, the energy from the photosynthesis of the chlorophyll in your body may reactivate (add electrons back onto) your native antioxidants like CoQ10.
You may wish to consider these as well…
450nm light activates Cytochrome P450 Phase 1 detoxifying enzymes. Conjugating agents in Xeneplex may support Phase 2 detoxification. Combining the Human Photosynthesis machine with Xeneplex can be a powerful detox combination.
Both 450nm and 660nm work by moving electrons in the body. In nature, we are barefoot on the ground and outside getting these important wavelengths of lights at the same time we get electrons from the earth. When we are indoors, we get neither. Having a source of electrons from our portable electron charger at the same time we receive these wavelengths of healing light makes for a great synergy.